Tokyo & Osaka, JAPAN

Together is a beautiful place to be.

Wedding photographer, Shigeyoshi Takebe, based in Los Angeles, USA, will visit Tokyo and Osaka, Japan, and offer the limited engagement photo session for the tourists from the world.

In this promotion, one hour photo session will be offered for the amazing discount price ¥22,500 for weekdays and ¥25,000 for weekends including 40-50 digital photos.

This session will be done with the unique and interesting backgrounds of cities, streets and traditional places in the areas of Asakusa, Ueno, Shinjuku, Akihabara, Ginza and other locations in Tokyo and Osaka.

Feel free to join this event during your exploration in Japan!

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November 6-10 and 13-16, 2023(Weekdays only)

November 18-22 and 11/27-12/1, 2023

Tokyo: Click here.
Osaka: Please send me a specific location in Osaka that you are interested in for the session.

Mon-Fri: ¥22,500/月~金:22,500円
Sat, Sun: ¥25,000/土日:25,000円
* Cash only for Japanese Yen.
* Credit cards accepted for US dollars. The yen-dollar exchange rate on the shooting day will be applied.


* 60 minute photo session
* Including 40-50 images(40-50 high res digital files for photo prints + 40-50 low res files for SNS and Email)


* Do not wear a wedding dress, a tux, and Japanese Kimono. Please come in semi formal/ casual outfits.
This is not wedding but engagement photo session.
* Hair/ makeup, rental dress, tux services and transportation are not provided.


Click and open the application below, fill in the blanks and submit.
下の「OPEN APPLICATION」ボタンをクリックし、そこからご応募ください。

I look forward to meeting you and your loved one!
